How to Upload Image and GIFs to Readme in Github Without Increasing Project Size
This is the best method that I know to upload image and GIFs to a GitHub project without increasing project size
Upload Your Image to GitHub
Start by pressing “New issue” in the issue tab of your project.
Paste your image in the comment. You can paste a screenshot with “Shift + Winkey + S” in Windows or grab an image from your computer.
After that you see a link that you can add to your readme file in your GitHub project
Add the Image to the Readme
Go to your `code` tab and press the pencil in your right up of your readme, them past your link of your image there and save the file
After your done you can see that your project don’t get new files and stay low weighted :)
You can do this with how many images you want and even GIFs!
Project link: